Help Us Raise Money for Children with Rare Biological Disorders!
Once again, Intergalactic Peace Jelly teams up with the Sing Me a Story Foundation and NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) to raise money for kids who need it.
In 2018, IPJ was introduced to the Sing Me a Story Foundation. The foundation operates by having the children involved write stories about anything they want. The stories are posted online and bands are invited to choose one and then write a song based on it, which is then offered as a download for anyone who donates at least a dollar to the cause.
This year, IPJ was asked to join the Troubadours, a group of Sing Me a Story artists who are essentially on call to write songs for stories that need them quickly. They were given the story “Up, Up, and Away” by a ten year old boy named Evan, who is involved with Sing Me A Story’s partner program, NORD (National Organization for Rare Diseases). The story was about Evan’s experience taking his first ever flying lesson, in which he was taught how to execute a “touch and go,” where he landed the plane and then immediately took off again.
Intergalactic Peace Jelly came back two weeks later with the song “Touch and Go,” which is live now on the Sing Me a Story Foundation’s website, and can be found HERE. Anyone who donates at least $1 will be eligible for a download of the track.
Please consider donating, even if you don’t personally like to download music (we realize that these are the days of streaming services). The issues that these kids are dealing with are extremely serious. We had the great fortune to spend an afternoon with the last family we wrote a song for, and have seen firsthand as to how gigantic of a emotional and also financial burden it can be to love and care for someone—particularly a child—with a rare biological disorder. We want to do everything we can to help.