freak store freddy

Written by: Rodgers

  • JD Rodgers: guitar and vocals

  • Andrew Schuster: guitar and vocals

  • Devon Lindsay: drums

  • Bennie Herdman: bass

(Freak Store Freddy) got the neighbors scared

(Freak Store Freddy) they can’t help but stare

(Freak Store Freddy) don’t care about you, and at least two-thirds of the rumors are true

(Freak Store Freddy) with a hook in his nose

(Freak Store Freddy) with the torn panty hose

(Freak Store Freddy) got a tattooed face, and you better never step into his personal space

(Freak Store Freddy) only listens to noise

(Freak Store Freddy) doesn’t have any boys

(Freak Store Freddy) likes to keep to himself, and if you’ve got a problem, he’ll see you in hell

Freak store freddy at his daytime job

Freak store freddy doesn’t wanna starve 

With a collared shirt and no makeup on

His hair curled up into a tiny bun

Freak Store Freddy’s putting food into bags

If you smile at him he’s gotta smile right back 

Freak Store Freddy fuckin’ hates this shit

And he swears every day that he’s gonna quit

But Freak Store Freddy’s worked this job for years

And Freak Store Freddy knows he’ll die right here

Because he’s Freak Store Freddy

Freak Store Freddy

(Freak Store Freddy) always carries a knife

(Freak Store Freddy) always looking to fight

(Freak Store Freddy) won’t take any shit, and deserves way more than he’d like to admit

(Freak Store Freddy) with the fucked up past

(Freak Store Freddy) at the back of the class

(Freak Store Freddy) doesn’t have any friends, doesn’t have any interest in making amends

(Freak Store Freddy) asleep in a van

(Freak Store Freddy) a syringe in his hand

(Freak Store Freddy) at the edge of his life, but tomorrow he’ll wake up feeling just fine

Freak Store Freddy at fifty-three

Freak Store Freddy with the shaky knees

The only bag boy who sits at a stool

The old bad boy made to look like a fool

Freak Store Freddy keeps the habit alive

The only way he’s ever known to help him survive

Before work every day he’s gotta take a shot

Puts the needle to his veins in the parking lot

Freak Store Freddy’s in the waiting room

Freak Store Freddy’s in the waiting room

Because he’s Freak Store Freddy

Freak Store Freddy